Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Making The Slow Progress

Sometimes, it can be difficult to keep on moving towards your goals and taking action that you hope gets you where you want to be in terms of those goals. That happens a lot with weight loss or when you are just trying to get fit. In fact, I think those times in the past when I have been on a diet and hit a plateau or when things have been moving a long too slowly, well that is what has discouraged me and resulted in me giving up.

But here is the thing- I totally get that now. And yeah, it is very exciting and motivating when you first start out trying to lose that weight and get some pounds off cause you immediately lose a lot of it the first week or two. That is great. Then things start slowing down and you are not losing as much each week. And even though you know that it is healthiest to lose only half to one pound a week, you still feel like a failure and wish that you were doing better. Am I right about it?

Well, I think for me, that is a little worse this time around since I started this and was feeling like I needed to update it very regularly. That is why I have stopped doing that already. It is not very motivating to write that you progress has slowed down to a crawl. Right?

So, from now on I will be updating this less than I started with. And, I know that the slow and steady pace is where i need to be in terms of getting those pounds off in a way that is healthy and will actually stick this time around.

That is because i am in this for the long haul! Yeah! So, here's to all of us on the slow progress plan. Cause slow progress is better than no progress!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Staying The Course When You Feel Down

I can't help it. When I start feeling down, nothing makes me feel better (and then worse) quite like sugar. My preference, of course, is chocolate. The creamier and richer, the better - and milk over dark for moments like this. Bonus points if it includes caramel, toffee or peanut butter. Yup, nothing helps me wallow quite like chocolate. Although, Haribo gummy bears are a nice stand-in if I can't find chocolate. I can sit down and eat a whole bag of those in no time flat when I am feeling down.

This is not a good thing! I do not know why my body wants nothing but sugar when I am feeling in the dumps with life. But, it does. And when I give in to those urges I do feel better for a moment. Then I feel about about all of those calories. Then I get a craving for more sugar and the cycle starts all over again. It's like hamster wheel of feeling down and medicating with the yummy goodness of sugar.

So, what's a girl to do when trying to stay on a healthy meal plan and this sort of sugar demon strikes? I admit, I did give into it and have some chocolate. Then I realized what I was doing and I stopped it. So, what else can give the body a euphoric high that will prevent me from mindlessly eating chocolate? Well, I can only think of two things - exercise and orgasms. And the good news is that you can do both by yourself and you don't really need any equipment for either! lol

For my sinking feeling, I decided to try some exercise since I am working on getting fit anyways and I had not done any working out that day or the day before. I really had no interest in working out since I just wanted to drown my sorrows in some milk chocolate and peanut butter. But alas, I forced myself to give it a shot. Guess what? About a half hour of working out led to a bit of a boost in my mood and I was no longer craving that chocolate!

So, the next time that a case of sadness threatens to derail your healthy eating plan by tempting you with chocolates and other sugary goodness - try about a half hour of exercise (or the orgasm!). That should get you back on track and keep the chocolate safe for another day.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Weight Loss Commandments For Success

I came across this really cool image today with the 10 Commandments of Weight Loss. Check it out:

If you are looking for some motivational weight loss quotes, then I find this image to be a good option for you. And, I think that this is a great list because these things are right on point. If more people looked as weight loss like this, then I think that there would be more success stories. At least I hope that is the case since this is my new philosophy on weight loss.

I think I am going to print this out and post it on my bedroom wall as a reminder to myself. Maybe you want to do the same?

Monday, January 5, 2015

My New Workout Jams

Now, normally I am not really much of a Taylor Swift fan. But yesterday when I decided that I need to get some fast paced and up beat music to listen to for my time at the gym, I kind of found Taylor Swift. I know, lots of people out there are fans and that is cool and all for them. But honestly, I have never really like any of her music all that much. That seems to have changed though with her new album, at least the few songs that I have heard from it that is.

When I came across the "Shake It Off" song, I was hooked pretty much immediately. I am not real sure why I have not heard it before, but there ya go. I have listened to it now and added it to my sweating it out playlist for today. If this song is a new one for you to, then give it a listen in the video below. See if it doesn't hook you right in as well...

Yeah, the video is not really what you would be expecting, but still a fun song to listen to when you are down at the gym.

And, guess what? There is another Taylor Swift song that I have added to my playlist as well. It is called "Blank Space." Check it out in the video below.

So, those are the two new Taylor Swift songs that I have learned that I enjoy listening to while I get fit. Got any other tunes that I should check out?

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Gonna Start Rocking Out On My Workouts

Now that I am trying to get into a regular workout routine, I find that need to come up with some ways to not only motivate me to actually do them each day, but to really power through each one. Sure, sometimes just getting started is the real struggle that we have to deal with. But other times, I find that even though I can get started, I still want to quit before I put in my allotted time.

So, I was looking online for ways that I might be able to kind of trick myself into working out when I did not want to. Yeah, it's sad, I know. But anyways, when I was searching for some answers on that I ended up reading about cranking up the tunes while you workout, which has not been something that I regularly do.

Apparently, some recent studies suggest that listening to some music while you work out is a good thing for those fitness sessions.They also learned that the beat of the music also affects your workouts, so you should listen to things with a fast tempo in order to really hustle it when you are sweating it out. This way, you end up pushing yourself a little bit harder which results in more of a workout for your body. And it has the added bonus of making the time seem like it is going faster, or so a few other bloggers have mentioned. That is a double bonus to me, a win-win right there. So, that is pretty nifty if you ask me.

Now I gotta find myself some good music to listen to with a rocking beat so that I can really power through my sessions and hopefully not dread and hate it as much. I really do want to make it a habit and I am hoping that this is the answer that I have been looking for. Got any music suggestions for me?

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Switching To Brown Rice

There have been a lot of studies done on brown rice vs white rice, and results reported that show brown rice as the better choice for your health. One study even showed that it reduced diabetes risks! Knowing about all these health benefits, I decided that it was time for me to switch to brown rice for my health.

You see, I eat rice with a lot of meals because I eat a lot of stri-fry type meals at home. And rice is usually the staple of those meals. You could say that I really love me some white rice with my meals. Welp, that love affair is coming to a screeching halt.

From here on out, it will be brown rice for my health.... except for those times when I go to an Indian restaurant and brown rice is not an option. Hooray....I mean, darn :) But seriously, I really do want to make this change for my health so I am going to do it and stick with it unless I just cannot get brown rice at a meal.

It is not that I do not like brown rice, it is just that I do not like it nearly as much as white rice. I know, this is not really anything new since most people share the same thoughts with me. But,  my point is that it will definitely be a bit of a challenge for me. When you eat as much white rice as I do, then it is definitely a major change to your eating habits.

Hopefully though, after a few weeks of the new brown rice substitution it will become a habit that no longer feels like I am missing out on yummy white rice. But, even if it does feel that way I plan to stick with it for my health. Have you had to make a change like this?

Friday, January 2, 2015

Weighing In - How Often Do You Do It?

One thing that I have struggled with in the past is fretting too much about what the digital scale in the bathroom is telling me. Yup, I am the person who (in the past) gets on the scale not only every day but at different times during the same day! I know, it is insane and almost an addiction. On a side note though, I will say that it is pretty interesting to see how different things that you eat can stay with you for hours while other things seem to go right on through your body. I wish I could say that learning things like that was why I did it.

Alas, that is not the reason. You see, in the past I have always been a bit obsessed about reaching certain numbers by certain dates. But that is all going to change this time around.

Yes, there is a certain number of pounds that I am aiming to lose. However, if along the way I get my body fit and toned up at a different weight - and I am happy with that - then I will be changing that number. You see, I am not really focusing on weighing a certain amount or fitting into a certain size any longer. Instead, I want to look and feel - and BE - healthy.

Will I still weigh myself at home? Sure, I plan on doing that but not on a daily basis and certainly not multiple times in a single day. I think that it will be healthier for me - thought wise - to only weigh myself once a week. Probably on the same day of the week - and in the morning before I eat anything to get the most accurate view.

But I am not just stopping there. I bought myself a little measuring tape, like hte kind that you use for sewing. And I will use it for things like measuring around my waist and hips. The way that I see it, this is where I will see the real progress since I plan on adding in some workouts for my day to day routine. I figure that this will not only help me lose weight in a healthier manner, but it will also get my body into better shape. Plus, you always here that exercise helps your emotional status and I am all for that!

So, here's to ditching that old habit of weighing myself all the damn time and worrying about those numbers on the scale. No more for me!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Bring on 2015!

Well, it is 2015 already! So, Happy New Year! And for a lot of people out there, that means that it is time to start making some resolutions for life changes that you want to accomplish this year. And I think that we all know that weight loss is often on the top of those lists for most people. Likewise, I think that we can all agree that most of these resolutions are forgotten about or put to the side by the end of January!

It is sad that people know that they need to get healthier but for some reason just cannot stick with the plan. Honestly, I think that focusing on the latest fad diets is why this happens to a lot of people. Well, that and trying to make a lot of changes at once instead of gradually introducing new things and then making them a habit before trying another new change.

For me, this year is all about making positive life changes. It is not really something that is specific, I know. But I think that it will be better for me this way. I just want to get my body into a place that is healthier and more fit so that I do not have to worry about things like getting sick or not being able to do things because they leave me out of breath, y'know? I have a friend who is so overweight that she avoid doing things like going to concerts or flying on airplanes because she is afraid of fitting in the seats. She is missing out on life! All because she either cannot or will not get her weight in check. Honestly, I do not care how much anyone weighs, but when it affects their life in a negative way, then make some positive changes! I do not want to end up like that, which is why I am starting my life changes now.

So, here's to a happy, healthy and goal-crushing 2015 for us all!