Monday, December 29, 2014

A new weight loss and fitness challenge

Though we are close to the end of another year and it seems cliche to put out in the world that my intent is to lose some weight and get fit, well that is exactly what I am doing I right now! I am not really considering this to be a resolution though because it's more than that. It will be a lifestyle change. A new set of habits that help me to transform from someone who is not fit and who is not a healthy weight into someone that is a healthy weight and who has a good level of fitness.

The way I see it - why not today and why not me? I can totally do this! Sure, there will be some challenges in terms of breaking old habits and forming new ones that are in line with the healthy lifestyle that I am going to be focused on right now. It will be a total out with the old and in with the new so that I can usher in a whole new me - hence the name of this blog.

I am not really telling anyone that I am embarking on this journey, so I started this blog as a way for me to track my own progress and kind of have a place to dump all the thoughts that I am having about it. I am not sure right now how much I will write on here each week as I do have a fairly demanding day job that takes up a lot of my time and two little furballs at home that also need attention. So, if you have come across my site, then I want to welcome you but also let you know that I might not be posting regularly.

Here's a toast to us all for a healthier and more fit lifestyle starting today!

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