you have been working out and dieting religiously, but you still have
a gut that’s sticking out, and you don’t seem to know what
exactly is the problem. Well, I hear you loud and clear because I am right there with you. That is why I started researching this issue. Bloating may be the problem. It is a common
cause of abdominal distention. That belly pouch may be due to gas
inside your digestive tract. How can you get rid of that?
more water.
is a common cause of bloating. When waste products from digestion
spend more time in your colon, they tend to build up gas. There are
many ways to treat constipation, and one is by drinking more water.
Watch how many glasses of water you get to drink in a day. A lot of
people drink only 4-5 glasses of water in a day, and they don’t
even realize it.
more fiber.
encourages better colon health. It’s what you need to help your
colon eliminate waste, which may otherwise accumulate in the gut and
cause bloating. Men are recommended to eat 38 grams of fiber a day.
Women should eat 25 grams of fiber a day. Where to get fiber? Whole
grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts contain enough fiber. However,
you may want to skip on beans and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli
and cauliflower) because they build up gas upon digestion.
has many benefits, including better digestion, more active GI tract
smooth muscles, and better elimination of waste. People with
sedentary lifestyle are more prone to bloating than active people.
You don’t need gym membership. Walking or jogging for 30 minutes a
day for 5 days a week is all you need.
out if you have food allergies or intolerance.
may be a symptom that your digestive system doesn’t like certain
types of food. Many people who suffer from bloating are lactose
intolerant, and they don’t know it. When you’re lactose
intolerant, your digestive system lacks the enzyme necessary for
breaking down lactose in milk and dairy products. That means they
will have to remove dairy products from their menu. Many people also
have digestive tracts that don’t respond well to ingestion of whole
grains. The result is bloating. Your physician will help you rule out
food allergies and find out which foods may be triggering bloating in
your case.
drinks are cool, but they introduce gas into your gut. It isn’t
hard to understand how that leads to bloating.
What happens when you eat too fast? You swallow a lot of air. You
don’t realize that, but not chewing your food properly means you
get to swallow trapped gas in between improperly chewed food
fragments. Also, proper chewing allows saliva to partially digest
starches and your teeth to properly grind food. Mechanical digestion
is an important phase of digestion, and it happens in the mouth.
Improperly chewed food means your stomach would have to exert more
effort in digesting the food you ate.
salt intake.
is a common bloating culprit. Your daily sodium intake should not
exceed 2300 mg. The problem is no one really bothers to check how
much sodium they eat in a day. One solution is by reading food
labels. You get too much sodium from canned food and junk food.
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